McGinn Hardscaping - Versa-Lok Black Walnut Retaining Wall

Trucking & Supply

We offer aggregate supply and hauling solutions for your company or project.

McGinn Landscaping offers limestone, gravel, topsoil, and other aggregates for contractors and homeowners. We supply homeowners, contractors, builders, and supply yards with any aggregates that they could need. Whether you need two tons of limestone, or 100 triaxles of topsoil, we are here to help you complete your project. Most of our aggregates are sold by the ton so you only pay for what you get.

With our fleet of four triaxles, we try to meet all of our customer’s delivery timeframes. We also offer hourly hauling for haul outs with our 10 ton trucks or triaxles which hold 22 tons. Our triaxles are available for subcontract work for builders, contractors, pavers, and other hauling companies.

McGinn Landscaping Trucking and Supply

Aggregate Selections

We would be happy to steer you toward the proper aggregates and sizes needed for your project.

Limestone offers many different uses in the construction industry. We offer supply of the most commonly used limestone sizes from base rock to setting bed materials.

Limestone Sand
Limestone Sand
Patio setting beds, fill
#9 Limestone
#9 Limestone
Patio setting bed, pathways
1B Limestone
1B Limestone
Driveway topdressing, pool backfill, pathways
2B Limestone
2B Limestone
Driveways, drainage, wall backfill
#3 Limestone/#1 AASHTO
#3 Limestone/#1 AASHTO
Road base
2A Limestone
2A Limestone
Driveways, patio base, retaining wall base material, good for compaction
Rip Rap

R3-R6 Rip Rap
Drainage swales, creek bed lining

Gravel is most commonly used for decorative landscaping as well as drainage applications. Golf ball included for scale.

Mason Sand

Mason Sand

Concrete Sand

Concrete Sand

Pea Gravel

Pea Gravel

2B Gravel

2B Gravel

#3 Gravel

#3 Gravel

#4 Gravel

#4 Gravel

Trucking Vehicles

Truck Fleet
#3 Gravel
Dump Truck
Truck Fleet
#3 Gravel
Dump Truck

Request a FREE consultation & estimate today!